A few clouds. Low 74F. Winds light and variable..
A few clouds. Low 74F. Winds light and variable.
Send calendar submissions to calendar@thenewstimes.com
The Tryon Palace Foundation will host lawn games and events for a fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 10, 5:30-8:30 p.m. There will be engaging historic activities on the North Lawn to see and do, and on the South Lawn, all the fixings of a fabulous party. There will be lawn games and activities, birds and snakes from the Outer Banks Wildlife Shelter to visit with, barbecue, fried chicken and cheese macaroni, a s’mores making station, hot dogs and ice cream, Pepsi beverages for the children and wine and beer for adults. Call (252) 639-3524 for tickets.
The New Bern Historical Society will present, for their latest Lunch & Learn on September 14, author Betty Vaughn who will fill you in on the Mystery of Sarah Slater, who once lived in New Bern. Known as a courier who carried messages and gold to the Confederates, she disappeared while being sought questioning in connection with the Lincoln assassination. The Lunch & Learn starts at 11:30am at the Carolina Colours Pavilion at 3300 Waterscape Way in New Bern. Cost is $22 for Historical Society members, $26 for nonmembers. Reservations may be made at www.NewBernHistorical.org or at the Society office at 511 Broad St. or by calling 252-638-8558. Prepaid reservations are required. Paper tickets are not issued for this program. Simply check in at Carolina Colours Pavilion with your confirmation.
250 Howard Blvd, Newport. This year's festival will feature food trucks, antique tractors, craft vendors, live entertainment, police and fire department displays, Touch-A-Truck, games, and this year we will hold a Classic Car Show, Pre 90. The event is free to enter and a lot of fun for the whole family to enjoy.
Friends of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library -New Bern, North Carolina; Banned Book Week--Bill Hand as Mark Twain. On Friday, September 23rd at 2 PM, Bill Hand will make an appearance in the library auditorium in his Mark Twain persona to discuss Twain's views on book banning which Twain experienced with several of his books.
Fall Big Book Sale Dates Set -The Friends of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library have secured the Knights of Columbus facility at 1125 Pinetree Dr for our Fall Big Book Sale. We will hold a members' only sale 4 to 7 PM on Thursday October 13th. The public sale will be on Friday October 14th and Saturday October 15th 9 AM to 5 PM. The final day of the sale will be on Sunday October 16th noon to 3 PM. Help us to spread the word! We will need assistance setting up and taking down the sale and in September we'll set up an online signup.
The New Bern Historical Society is pleased to host the 5th and 7th NC Infantry Reenactors for a Living History Day at New Bern Battlefield Park on October 8. The public is invited to this encampment with demonstrations, drills and scenes. For information call the New Bern Historical Society at 252-638-8558.
The 32nd Annual Ghostwalk is Oct. 20-22 from 6-9:30pm at 13 ghost sites in historic New Bern. It is a family-friendly event that combines spirits from New Bern's past, talented local volunteer actors, historic sites, and a fun-filled, creative environment. Tickets for the New Bern Historical Society’s Ghostwalk are good for all three nights and are available Sept. 15 at www.GhostwalkNewBern.com, by calling 252-638-8558
Antique and Classic Boat Show- Blackbeard Sailing Club, 1215 Barkentine Dr., Saturday October 22, 2022, 10 AM to 2 PM; No admission for spectators; Small entry fee for boats. Sponsored by North Carolina Coastal & Piedmont Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society. https://vintageboat.org/ Alan Hills, VP ahills@suddenlink.net
FREE TRUNK-OR-TREAT at First Baptist Church Swansboro; Join us at First Baptist Church Swansboro on Saturday, October 29 from 4:30pm-6:30pm for a FREE event including dinner, trunk-or-treating, CANDY, inflatables, games, photo ops, and MORE! Come join our community, your neighbors and your friends for an evening of laughter and games in a family-friendly, safe and secure environment. Trunk-or-Treat happens rain or shine! Call Emily at (910) 326-5768 or email children@fbcswansboro.org with any questions!
CRYSTAL COAST CHORAL SOCIETY (CCCS) 2022 FALL REHEARSALS RESUME - The CCCS resumes weekly Tuesday rehearsals on September 6, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM, at Swansboro United Methodist Church, to prepare for their upcoming Bluegrass Christmas Concerts, featuring the North Carolina Bluegrass Band, Hank, Pattie and the Current, in a performance of Joseph Martin’s Rhapsody in Bluegrass, A Christmas Jubilee. CCCS is a non-audition community chorus and new singers are always welcome. Per current CDC guidelines, proof of COVID vaccination is required, masks are optional. Further information can be found by contacting Music Director Finley Woolston, 910-358-2997, finley@ec.rr.com, www.crystalcoastchoral.wixsite.com/crystalcoastchorals, or our Facebook page. This project was supported by the N. C. Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
Carolina Artist Gallery is seeking artwork by local artists for the “Upcycle Show” which will run from September 10 through October 29, 2022. The deadline for entry is September 3. Art is to be dropped off during gallery hours, Tuesday-Saturday, 11-5 at our NEW LOCATION AT 1702 ARENDELL STREET, MOREHEAD CITY. This will celebrate the gallery’s merger with Arts Council of Carteret County. Original work in all media is welcome which uses found objects in creative ways. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” This show will showcase art of those who see beauty in something others have seen as trash. More information is on our website CarolinaArtistGallery.com. All are invited to an opening reception to celebrate our merger in our new location on September 10, 4-6pm.
Seaside Arts Council Concerts-at the pavilion at Olde Town Square in downtown Swansboro. Jon Shain, roots/blues/folk, July 26; •Selah Dubb, reggae, Aug. 2; •Spare Change, family fun, Aug. 9; •Samantha Casey, bluegrass, Aug. 16; •Wild Honey, blues, country and rock, Aug. 23; •pure t mommicked, rock/alternative, Aug. 30; •Chris Cavanaugh, country, Sept. 6; •Scearce & Ketner, seagrass, Sept. 13
Learn how to make your own Pine Needle Basket with Ms. Penny Holland! The class will be held three different times: May 6, July 22 (advanced session), and September 16. Pine needle basket-making dates back to almost 9,000 years ago and the baskets served as a vessel for grain, crops, and other essentials. The price for materials is $50 for each class. All supplies provided. Bring bag lunch. Must sign up by calling 252-728-5225 or visiting the Beaufort Historic Site at 130 Turner Street. Sign up ends a week before each class. Max for each class is 10.
Alive at Five, the monthly concert series in downtown Morehead City, will return on Friday, June 24, and will also have concerts in July, August, September and October. All the family-friendly shows will be from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Jaycee Park, 807 Shepard Street on the waterfront. Friday, June 24 -The Bounce Party Band ; Friday, July 22-Liquid Pleasure; Friday, Aug. 26 - Night Years; Thursday, Sept. 15- Band of Oz; Thursday, Oct. 13- The Embers featuring Craig Woolard. Beverages will be available for purchase and no coolers or outside beverages are allowed inside the concert area. Food and snack vendors will be in attendance. For more information about Alive at Five.
Arts Council of Carteret County- Give the Arts a Home We Need Your Help! Donations small and large help us open! A 3,400 sq. ft. leased property at 1702 Arendell has been secured that will provide a visible brick and mortar for a gallery, exhibition, workshop, programing, meeting space offices for the Arts Council. You can help equip and furnish this space which is scheduled to open the end of April 2022. We need funds to open the doors. Click here to donate!
Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department has opened a brand-new, 10,000 square foot dog park. The park is located inside Rotary Park at 2200 Mayberry Loop Road, Morehead City, NC. The park is divided into 2 sections; a large dog section, and a small dog section. There are certain rules that must be followed. Click here to view our rules.
Participants can now register for the Hope For The Warriors Patriot Day 30x30 Virtual Wellness Challenge. Kicking off Sept. 1 and running through Sept. 30, individuals can participate in the free virtual wellness challenge from anywhere in the world. The Patriot Day 30x30 Challenge is designed to support individuals reaching their total body wellness goals while honoring and remembering those that lost their lives on 9/11. Participants are challenged to partake in an activity that positively benefits his/her well-being for a minimum of 30 minutes for 30 days. Any activity counts — walking, running, yoga, meditating, hiking, swimming. Participants are encouraged to register for the free 30-day wellness challenge before or by August 31 at hopeforthewarriors.org. Individuals can log their daily activity through the website to maintain a cumulative total for the challenge. Twice a week, participants will receive emails that promote mind, body, spirit, connectivity, and overall personal well-being.
The Crystal Coast Grand Prix boat races - September 8 - 11 ; Morehead City, North Carolina; Info ( http://www.oparacing.org/mhc ) With two days of racing, all classes will be competing Friday and Sunday.
$30 registration fee (includes Run the Fort hat)
$90 family package-includes participants and two hats
Swansboro Parks and Recreation Department offers Tai Chi class each Thursday at 1 p.m. is for adults, 18 and older. Tai chi is a series of gentle physical exercises and stretches. There is a fee. Call (910) 326-2600 for information.
The following are our upcoming special events, programs and classes for September 2022.
Youth Combo Dance/Acro Class
Join us for a combination dance and acro class! We will be doing hip-hop, jazz, ballet, and acro! This program will be held from 9/12/22-10/31/22 (8 weeks). Ages 5 and up are welcome. Class will be held on Mondays from 4:00-5:30 pm in the Exercise classroom at the Recreation Center located at 1600 Fisher Street, Morehead City. The cost is $80 for the 8-week session. Make checks payable to Amber Spickett.
Contact Victoria Ward for more information at 252-726-5083 ext 6 or victoria.ward@moreheadcitync.org .
Help Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department continue to offer a wide variety of community sports and programs by volunteering! We are currently accepting volunteer applications for Fall Flag Football, Fall Beach Volleyball, Trunk or Treat and Haunted House. For more information, contact Keith Bernauer at 252-499-2811 or keith.bernauer@moreheadcitync.og .
This camp will run from 8/30-9/1 from 6:00-7:30pm. Cost is $40 per player. Girls and boys encouraged to play. Camp will be held at Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department located at 1600 Fisher Street, Morehead City, NC, 28557. For more information, contact Keith Bernauer at 252-499-2811 or email keith.bernauer@moreheadcitync.org .
We are excited to bring this brand new program to Morehead City Parks and Recreation. The league will offer a stimulating football experience with an emphasis on fun, skill development, rules and competition. Concentration will be placed on establishing basic skills such as catching, passing and defense. The league will emphasize skill development and game knowledge in a competition environment. Practice and games will be held at the Morehead City Recreation Center located at 1600 Fisher Street, Morehead City on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning in September. Contact Keith Bernauer Sports Coordinator for more information. Keith.bernauer@moreheadcitync.org or 252-499-2811.
The league will offer an exciting volleyball experience with an emphasis on fun, skill development, tactics and competition. Concentration will be placed on establishing basic skills such as setting, passing and defense in a beach environment. The league will be divided by age groups (9-10, 11-12, 13-14). The content of the league as well as the intensity will be structured to meet the varying needs of the different participants. Practice Starts September 7th on (Monday and Wednesday). Matches Start September 19th (Monday and Wednesday). All practices and games will be held at Atlantic Beach Circle sand volleyball courts. Registration is now open. Cost is $40 per player. Contact Keith Bernauer Sports Coordinator for more information. Keith.bernauer@moreheadcitync.org or 252-499-2811.
We are excited to offer Open Play Pickleball on our renovated gym floors. The sessions are open on Tuesdays 8:30-11:30 as well as on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday’s from 9:00-11:00AM. Nets, paddles and balls are provided. All players must have a day pass or annual pass. Contact Keith Bernauer for more information at 252-499-2811 or keith.bernauer@moreheadcitync.org .
Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department offers Open-Play Basketball on Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00-2:00 PM. All participants must purchase an annual pass. Contact Keith Bernauer for more information at 252-499-2811 or keith.bernauer@moreheadcitync.org
Basketball For Persons with Disabilities
We are excited to offer basketball on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00pm at the Morehead City Parks and Recreation Center for anyone with disabilities. This is open to all ages with a focus on learning basic basketball skills while doing fun drills and light conditioning. Recreation Center pass is required. Contact Keith Bernauer Sports Coordinator for more information. Keith.bernauer@moreheadcitync.org or 252-499-2811.
Join Morehead City Parks and Recreation for our annual fall Trunk or Treat Event. The event will be held on Thursday, October 27th from 5:30-7:00pm at the Morehead City Recreation Cetner, located at 1600 Fisher Street, Morehead City. Sign-ups to host a trunk are now open. Click this link to register! For more information, contact Victoria Ward at victoria.ward@moreheadcitync.org or call 252-726-5083 ext. 6.
Join Morehead City Parks and Recreation for our first ever Haunted House Event. The event will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 28th and 29th from 6:00-10:00pm at the Morehead City Recreation Center, located at 1600 Fisher Street, Morehead City. Tickets are $5 per person. Sponsorships are available at all levels. For more information, contact Victoria Ward at victoria.ward@moreheadcitync.org or call 252-726-5083 ext. 6.
Join Morehead City Parks and Recreation for a Food Truck Jamboree! The next event will be held on Wednesday, September 7th from 11:00am-2:00pm at the old Kmart parking lot in Morehead City (4915 Arendell Street). There will be some awesome food trucks such as Bokaninas, Two Crazy Donuts, Jasmine Tasty Thai, Meraki Mediterranean, Sunset Slush, Cocina Del Coqui and more from Carteret County and beyond! There is no fee to attend this event so come out and eat up! For more information, please contact Victoria Ward • victoria.ward@moreheadcitync.org (252) 726-5083 ext. 6.
Join Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department for Second Saturdays!
From May 14th to October 8th, Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department sponsors a free summer concert series. The concerts are held on the Second Saturday of each month from 6:30-8:00 PM. The concerts feature classic rock, beach music, top40, and a little bit of everything. Second Saturdays are located at MLK Jr. City Park, 1001 Arendell Street, Morehead City. There will be food trucks, games, music, and fun.
For more information, please contact Victoria Ward at Victoria.Ward@moreheadcitync.org • (252) 726-5083.
High on the Hog Food truck, Kona Ice
Mari’s Hella Fat Food
Capitol Christmas Tree Ornament Event 9/17/22
Capitol Christmas Tree Ornament Event will be held on September 17th from 10:00-12:00 at the Morehead City Train Depot. The event will be open to kids ages 5-15 (younger ages can decorate an ornament with the help of a parent). This event is free to the public. For more information, Email Victoria Ward at Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org or Kathryn Metts at kathryn@downtownmoreheadcity.com .
Fall Craft Fair and Chowder Cookoff
Join Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department at the Morehead City Curb Market located at 1311 Evans Street, Morehead City. The fall craft fair and chowder cookoff will be taking place on Thursday, September 22nd from 6:00-8:00pm. Check out this exciting event with live music, Christmas shopping, chowder and fun! To enter the contest, contact curbmarket@moreheadcitync.org or call 252-241-2773. You can also call if you are interested in becoming a vendor!
Morehead City Chalk Festival and Competition
Join Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., City Park, located at 1001 Arendell Street, Morehead City. The festival will be held from 10:00-1:00pm on September 24th, 2022. The cost to compete is $10/square. Event is free to attend. There will be live music, face painting, art vendors, food vendors, craft tables and a chalk art competition. To register for the competition, visit https://moreheadcity.recdesk.com/Community/Program to purchase a sidewalk square. For more information, contact Victoria Ward at victoria.ward@moreheadcitync.org or call 252-726-5083 ext. 6. You can also call if you are interested in becoming a vendor or participating in the competition.
Join Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department at Rotary Dog Park, located at 2203 Mayberry Loop Road, Morehead City. The festival will be held from 12:00-2:00PM on October 8, 2022. There will be a pet costume contest, dog walk, food vendors, and various other pet resources such as the Carteret County Humane Society, Sea Paws, Crystal Coast Dog and Mitchell Village Animal Hospital. Event is free to attend. For more information, contact Victoria Ward at victoria.ward@moreheadcitync.org or call 252-726-5083 ext. 6. You can also call if you are interested in becoming a vendor or participating in the competition.
Join Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department at the Morehead City Curb Market located at 1311 Evans Street, Morehead City. The market operates on Saturdays from 8:00am-1:00pm. For more information, contact curbmarket@moreheadcitync.org or call 252-241-2773. You can also call if you are interested in becoming a vendor!
The Shevans park splash pad is now open. There is no fee to use the splash pad. The park is open dawn to dusk through Labor Day Weekend. For more information, please contact 252-726-5083 ext. 1.
Morehead City Parks and Recreation Center hours are as follows:
The Recreation Center will be closed 9/5/22 for Labor Day.
Morehead City Parks and Recreation is happy to offer a free fitness orientation to new members. We will guide you through our facility and show you how to use select machines. This is by appointment only. Please contact Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department at 252-726-5083 ext. 1 to schedule an appointment. *Must have an annual pass.
The Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department offers a fitness class called Barre Fitness. This program is offered Tuesdays at 5:30 PM as well as Thursdays at 9:00AM. Class-goers need to bring water, a yoga mat or towel is optional. This class is a hybrid of Yoga, Pilates, and Ballet Flexibility and will consist of stretching/strengthening of all major muscle groups, creating lean and long muscles without bulk, and strengthening abdominal and back muscles improving balance and back pain. Barre is a healthy challenge for all ages. For more information contact Victoria Ward at victoria.ward@moreheadcitync.org or call 252-726-5083.
*NEW* Adult Ballet Pop-up Dance Class
Join Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department for our first-ever, Adult Ballet class! This class will be a fun way to learn and practice Ballet. Preregistration is required and cost is $10. Follow this link to register: https://moreheadcity.recdesk.com/Community/Program Checks can be made out to Amber Spickett. Class will be held on Saturday, October 8th from 9:00-9:45am in the exercise classroom at the Morehead City Recreation Center. For more information, contact Victoria Ward at 252-726-5083 ext. 6 or email Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org .
*NEW* Adult Tap Pop-up Dance Class
Join Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department for our first-ever, Adult Tap class! This class will be a fun way to learn and practice Tap. Preregistration is required and cost is $10. Follow this link to register: https://moreheadcity.recdesk.com/Community/Program Checks can be made out to Amber Spickett. Class will be held on Saturday, October 8th from 10:00-10:45AM in classroom 9 at the Morehead City Recreation Center. For more information, contact Victoria Ward at 252-726-5083 ext. 6 or email Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org .
Total Body Workout Classes are offered at the Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 9:00 - 10:00 AM at a cost of $8.00/class. All classes are held at the Morehead City Recreation Center (1600 Fisher Street). For more info on this program, please contact our office at 252-726-5083.
Circuit Fitness is offered at the Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department on Thursday’s from 5:30-6:15PM. The fee is $5/class. The class will consist of a full body workout with weights, resistance bands, and some cardio. All classes are held at the Morehead City Recreation Center (1600 Fisher Street). Josh Lewis, BS, ACSM-CPT, BLS is the instructor. For more info on this program, please contact Victoria Ward 252-726-5083 ext. 6 or email Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org.
This is a high-energy class aimed to help little ones get their wiggles out! Kids will learn the basics of rhythm and dance while having fun and being creative. This class is geared toward children aged 3-5 years old. This class will be offered in the exercise classroom at Morehead City Recreation Center (1600 Fisher Street) on Wednesdays 4-4:30 PM from September 14th-October 5th . The 4-week class registration costs $40. Please register by September 9th. For more information, please contact Victoria Ward 252-726-5083 ext. 6 or email Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org.
Cycle Fit is offered at the Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department on Fridays beginning in September from 8:10-8:50AM. The fee is $40/month, preregistration is required via https://moreheadcity.recdesk.com/Community/Program. All classes are held at the Morehead City Recreation Center (1600 Fisher Street). Josh Lewis, BS, ACSM-CPT, BLS is the instructor. For more information, please contact Victoria Ward 252-726-5083 ext. 6 or email Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org.
Spin-Cycle is offered at the Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department on Mondays from 5:30-6:15PM. The fee is $40/month, preregistration is required via https://moreheadcity.recdesk.com/Community/Program. All classes are held at the Morehead City Recreation Center (1600 Fisher Street). Josh Lewis, BS, ACSM-CPT, BLS is the instructor. For more information, please contact Victoria Ward 252-726-5083 ext. 6 or email Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org.
Kids are welcome to join Mrs. Amber in moving and grooving to the beat. Hip-hop is a fun way for kids to get their energy out while learning some fun, cool dance moves. This class is geared toward kids ages 6 and up, class is on Wednesday’s from 4:45-5:15PM and will take place at Morehead City Parks and Recreation Center in the exercise classroom. There is a fee of $5/ class. Each child must have an annual class pass for Morehead City Parks and Recreation ($5). For more information, please contact Victoria Ward 252-726-5083 ext. 6 or email Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org.
FUNctional Fitness is offered at the Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department on Thursday’s from 8:15-8:45. There is a $5 drop in fee. The class will consist of a full body workout to get you ready for the day. All classes are held at the Morehead City Recreation Center (1600 Fisher Street). Josh Lewis, BS, ACSM-CPT, BLS is the instructor. For more information, please contact Victoria Ward 252-726-5083 ext. 6 or email Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org.
Walk this Weight, is a class that includes walking as well as stretching, and light weights. This class will begin after Labor Day and be held on Mondays from 8:15-9:15AM at Rotary Park (2202 Mayberry Loop Road, Morehead City). Preregistration is required via https://moreheadcity.recdesk.com/Community/Program . Program is $2 for a drop in class or free for annual pass holders. For more information, please contact Victoria Ward 252-726-5083 ext. 6 or email Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org.
Sit, Strength, Stretch, is a class that will focus on balance, stability, stretching and building strength. This class is perfect for seniors, beginners, or anyone who would like to become more balanced. This class will begin in September and be held on Tuesdays from 9:30-10:15 AM at Morehead City Recreation Center, 1600 Fisher Street, Morehead City). Preregistration is required via https://moreheadcity.recdesk.com/Community/Program . Program is $2 for a drop in class or free for annual pass holders. For more information, please contact Victoria Ward 252-726-5083 ext. 6 or email Victoria.Ward@MoreheadCityNC.org.
The Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department sponsors an adult dance fitness class that is held on Wednesday’s from 5:30-6:30pm. The class is a fun, jazzy, hip-hop-based dance workout that is great for all ages and levels. No experience is required. Bring a bottle of water. There is a $5 drop-in fee. This class will be held at the Recreation Center in the exercise classroom. Please contact Morehead City Parks and Recreation Department for more information at Victoria.ward@moreheadcitync.org or 252-726-5083 ext. 1
Carteret County Commissioners meet at 6 p.m. on the third Monday of the month in the Commissioners' Boardroom, Administration Building, Second Floor, Courthouse Square in Beaufort. Public comment is allowed at all regular meetings. Board meetings are broadcast on Spectrum Cable Channel 10 in Carteret County on the Thursday (8 p.m.) and Sunday (noon) following the Monday board meeting. https://www.carteretcountync.gov/193/County-Commissioners
Cape Carteret Board of Commissioners typically meets on the second Monday of every month at 6:00 pm.
Emerald Isle Board of Commissioners meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m.
Morehead City Town Council meets the second Tuesday of the month at Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 5:30 p.m., Morehead City Municipal Building, 202 South 8th Street.
The Atlantic Beach Town Council meets in the Town Council Meeting Room at 125 West Fort Macon Road, on the fourth Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m.
Due to current public health concerns, the Town of Beaufort Board of Commissioners are conducting all meetings virtually via Zoom. Members of the Board of Commissioners participate in the meetings remotely. Members of the public are able to view and listen to all regular meetings and work sessions, as well as have the opportunity to provide public comment. The link to join the meeting may be found on the Board of Commissioners Calendar.
Hope Mission Soup Kitchen is open 7 days a week serving meals to anyone who is hungry and delivering meals for homebound seniors. You can help. Call or text me. Pastor Gene McLendon at 252-515-4361.
Hope Recovery Homes operates alcohol and drug free transitional residences which foster and promote individual growth and the restoration of meaningful, productive, and spiritual lives. For more information, me or text me. Pastor Gene McLendon at 252-515-4361.
Hope Mission Thrift Store -1205 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC ; Hope Mission’s Thrift Store provides vouchers for those in need, allowing them to get the things they need at little or no cost. For a list of items our thrift store will accept, please visit the Hope Mission Thrift Store webpage. The store also provides an income that helps to fund the Homeless Shelters, Soup Kitchen and other services provided by Hope Mission. Visit us at www.HopeMissionThriftStore.org
Coastal Pregnancy Care Center (CPCC) is a Christian non-profit offering help and hope to women and men considering their choices in an unplanned pregnancy. The center provides confidential services including free pregnancy testing, free STD testing, abortion education, post abortion care, information on STDs, education on life responsibility skills & community resources. Call to schedule a confidential appointment - (252) 247-2273; cpccenter@hotmail.com ; 4050 Arendell St, Morehead City, NC 28557; HOURS 9:00 – 4:30 Monday – Wednesday; 9:00-5:30 Thursday; 12:30 – 4:30 Friday.
The Salvation Army; 2800 Bridges St, Morehead City, NC - Food Pantry, Clothing/Household Vouchers, Rent & Utilities, Emergency Assistance, Emergency Disaster Services, Christmas Assistance. In addition to our social ministries, The Salvation Army is a Christian Evangelical Church and we hold weekly worship services. For worship times or more information, please contact us today. Phone: 252-726-7147; Email: MoreheadCityNC@uss.salvationarmy.org
Carteret County Health Department will provide a no-cost additional dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to people who self-attest to having a moderately or severely weakened immune system and who have previously received two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. Documentation of a qualifying condition is not a requirement, but participants must bring documentation of their first and second vaccinations in order to receive the additional shot. Call (252) 728-8550, option 2, to make an appointment.
OCEAN — Carteret County residents and businesses have an opportunity to help the N.C. Coastal Federation rebuild coastal habitat by donating oyster shells. The NCCF is asking for donations of oyster shells to the federation’s recycling program. Once collected, the federation works with partners to return the shells to the water, where they provide new habitat for fish and shellfish. In Carteret County, the federation is accepting shells at the NCCF headquarters at 3609 Highway 24 in the Ocean community. A complete list of coastwide recycling sites is available at the website nccoast.org/project/oyster-shell-recycling-program/.
Below is a list of some Carteret County charities that can always use a helping hand, whether that hand is writing a check or showing up to pitch in.
· American Music Festival, 252-728-6152.
· American Red Cross, Greenville, 252-637-3405.
· Atlantic House, Morehead City, 252-648-8505.
· Beaufort Historical Association, 252-728-5225.
· Bogue Banks Public Library, Pine Knoll Shores, 252-247-4660.
· Boys and Girls Clubs of Coastal Carolina Inc., Morehead City, 252-222-3007.
· Boy Scouts of America, Croatan Trails District, 252-659-2530.
· Broad Street Clinic, Morehead City, 252-726-4562.
· Camp Albemarle camping and retreat ministry opportunities, Newport, 252-726-4848.
· Carteret Community Foundation, 252-240-0011.
· Carteret County Council for Women, www.cccwomen.org.
· Cape Lookout National Seashore, Harkers Island, 252-728-2250.
· Carteret Literacy Council, 252-808-2020.
· Carteret Community College, Morehead City, 252-222-6000.
· Carteret County Domestic Violence Program, 252-726-2336.
· Carteret County Partnership for Children, Morehead City, 252-727-0440.
· Carteret County Public Library, Beaufort, 252-728-2050.
· Carteret County Public School Foundation, 252-728-4583.
· Carteret County Humane Society, 252-247-7744.
· Carteret County Veterans Office, 252-728-8440.
· Carteret Long Term Recovery Alliance, carteretltra.org.
· Carteret Warriors for Recovery, Morehead City, cw4r.org or email carteretwarriors4recovery@gmail.com.
· Carteret Health Care Foundation, Morehead City, 252-808-6336.
· COACH Hope, Morehead City, 252-732-4522.
· Coastal Carolina Center for Women’s Ministries, Newport, 252-764-0722.
· Coastal Community Action Inc., Newport, 252-223-1630.
· Coastal Pregnancy Care Center, Morehead City, 252-247-2273.
· Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center, Harkers Island, 252-728-1500.
· Core Sound Carvers Decoy Guild, 252-838-8818.
· Crystal Coast Habitat for Humanity, Newport, 252-223-2111.
· Crystal Coast Hospice House, Morehead City, 252-808-2244.
· Downtown Morehead City Revitalization Association, 252-808-0440.
· Down East Library, Otway, 252-728-1333.
· Friends of Fort Macon, 252-354-5132.
· Foundation for Shackleford Horses, 252-728-6308.
· Fort Macon State Park, Atlantic Beach, 252-726-3775.
· Hand 2 Hand, Smyrna, 703-732-4793.
· The History Museum of Carteret County, Morehead City, 252-247-7533.
· Hope for the Warriors, 877-246-7349.
· Hope Mission, Morehead City, 252-240-2359.
· Hospice of Carteret County, Morehead City, 252-808-6085.
· Island Cat Allies, 252-354-7780.
· Jeremiah 33:3 Ministries of North Carolina Down East community thrift store, 252-418-0103.
· La Leche League of Carteret County, 252-622-4950.
· Leon Mann Jr. Enrichment Center, Morehead City, 252-247-2626.
· Loaves and Fishes of Beaufort ministry and outreach, 252-241-3691.
· Martha’s Mission, Morehead City, 252-726-1717.
· Matthew 25 Food Pantry and Thrift Store, Newport, 252-223-4231.
· Meals on Wheels, 252-241-4292.
· N.C. Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, 252-247-4003.
· N.C. Coastal Federation, Ocean, 252-393-8185.
· N.C. Maritime Museum, Beaufort, 252-728-7317.
· N.C. Seafood Festival, Morehead City, 252-726-6273.
· Newport Public Library 252-223-5108.
· Outer Banks Wildlife Shelter, Newport, 252- 240-1200.
· Pet Adoption and Welfare Society of Carteret County, 252-726-7925.
· Project Christmas Cheer, 252-247-7275.
· Protectors of Homeless Pets of Carteret County, Emerald Isle, 252-723-0319.
· Queen Street Heritage Foundation, P.O. Box 2213, Beaufort, N.C. 28516.
· The Salvation Army, Morehead City, 252-726-7147.
· Station Club, Morehead City, 252-240-1022.
· Second Blessings Community Outreach and Thrift Store, 252-726-7921.
· St. James Thrift Shop, Newport, 252-223-3186.
· Take A Kid Fishing Foundation, Inc., Morehead City, 252-808-8303, www.takf.org.
· Webb Library, Morehead City, 252-726-3012.
· Western Carteret Public Library, Cape Carteret, 252-393-6500.
· Wounded Warriors Project, Fayetteville office, 910-487-0116.
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